Halo Series

This page will be talking about different information concerning all past halo games as well as the  future Halo 4

Box art: Halo 4

Halo 4 Sample soundtrack

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F55717851&show_artwork=true&show_artwork=true&auto_play=false&color=d3222a&callback=reqwest_0&_=1345673655716"></iframe>

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F55717848&show_artwork=true&show_artwork=true&auto_play=false&color=d3222a&callback=reqwest_0&_=1345673936805"></iframe>

Hey guys just a notice to all you Halo Fans just letting you know about my maps up on my file share

Swoffa & Mcmillan's AZ_ Promotional Video (Halo Reach)
(Minecraft video background)

'The Cone' has had over 150 downloads in the past few days, people seem to like my capture the flag gameplay map. The map takes place on the island and incorperates a giant rock tunnel, funnel or cone (however you want to describe it), two team mates fly up this cone and out onto a floating base where htey will be competing with two members of the opposing team to get the flag first and drop it down to you r other team members who should have taken control of the warthog or mongouses, to make sure you are able to get the flag back fast before the opposing teams stops you. You should play this map with the gametype which is also found on my fileshare.

CTF Map: The Cone
Gametype: Multi flag CTF The Cone
 You can find them at this site


also me and Swoffa have made a series called 'AZ' Series which can be found up on Swoffa's file share his gamertag is A Little Fly99 the maps are made for slayer and are really well made, I will be making different gametypes for them to try out the different styles of gameplay on them which should be happening in the next few months.  Many of these will have to be removed after time (due to 343 lack of a Bungie Pro, to increase file share size).
You can get the AZ_Series form this site


The maps on A Little Fly99 file share will be gone soon and replaced with better maps, if you want to get them it had better be sooner rather than later. The ones that will be gone first are AZ_Cliff Up and AZ_Cliffside.

Hey guys just a Wednesday update, i've found out from Halo4Follower (http://www.youtube.com/user/Halo4Follower ) that 343 Industries now has a fully playable version of Halo 4 campaign, they are now able to play from the start to finish. And the Multiplayer which apparently has been working for a little while now is a lot better than past Halo games

Hey guys Mcmillan here Halo4Follower has relesed a ViDock from 343 Industries on his channel. In the ViDock you can see the Master Chief Model, and the new multiplayer maps, with some snipets of gameplay footage, and some of the new armour that will be availible in the game (this stuff may end up being changed).

To view the ViDock go to this web page: (Note: Halo4Follower has recently made the vidock private so here is a link to the same vid but on another channel):


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