Monday, 13 February 2012


Hey guys its Mcmillan here from Teamdeekraisy, I've just started up this blog where ill be talking about upcoming news and information about certain games. Feel free to comment or ask questions and ill try as best as I can to answer them.
If the question is about Halo, World of Wacraft, Assassins Creed go to the accompanying page above and leave your question there

These pages will briefly cover you on: World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria, Halo 4, Assassins Creed 3


  1. Hey Mcmillan :) love your Teamdeekraisy video's keep them up. Havent seen any world of warcraft video's in a while are you putting any up soon?

  2. Thinking of getting rich in World of Warcraft?

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